The Lamb, Cadbury Heath have won “top pub” in The Fantasy Football Competion.  Second place went to The Union in Torquay.

The Lamb recieved a cheque for £1250.  This will be donated to The Lamb Banjo Island Fund.  The Banjo Island Fund is a charity set up to improve community facilities in the Cadbury Heath (known locally as Banjo Island).  Dave Smith, our manager is pictured on the left holding the cheque.  To his left, Ian Brierley, one of our Directors.  On the right are representatives of Fantasy Football.

The Union in Torquay came second.  They recieved a cheque for £750.  This has been donated to The Rowcroft Hospice.  The Rowcroft serves the people of South Devon, providing specialist care to patients with progressive life limiting illnesses.  Pictured below on the right are our managers, Lucy and Theresa Elphick along with Ian Brierley and representatives from Fantasy Football.

Published On: August 5th, 2016 /